Kaido is a heavy drunkard who loves to drink sake and while drunk, his mood changes erratically, such as when he quickly went from being melancholic over his inability to increase the number of his Gifters and fulfill his dream of having a crew consisting of only Devil Fruit users to becoming angry and violent, brutally beating his subordinates and cursing Luffy and Law. Well, now we know that there is another form of Kaido indee and that is a humongous dragon. Original Devil Fruit Of Kaido Revealed: Legendary Beast. Kaido has never been named human but simply “creature” or “thing”. Connect with him on Social Media.

I think Kaido is a dragon that ate a human model devil fruit. Kaido der 1Bestien (jap. 百獣のカイドウ, Hyakujū no Kaidō) ist einer der Kaiser und ist in der Neuen Welt aktiv. Laut Trafalgar Law handelt es sich bei ihm um die stärkste Kreatur der Welt Geplagt von diversen seelischen Gebrechen, wie Trunksucht und Selbstmordgedanken, stellt er aktuell eine Streitmacht zusammen und bereitet einen Krieg gegen die ganze Welt vor. The way Tama uses her Devil Fruit is reminiscent of the old Japanese tale Lump-removing Old Man, a tale in which an old man befriends ogres who then removes a lump on his right cheek.
Spielzeug zu Spitzenpreisen. At first, it also surprised me as well. So, this clearly indicates that Kaido is indeed a dragon that can transform into a human.

Thus, this means that yonko Kaido might not have a devil fruit in the first place. So, it explains why Kaido couldn’t be executed by the marines even if he was captured. This chapter showed Mythical Zoan-class Devil Fruit of Kaido that allows him to transform into a Chinese dragon.
The theory of Kaido being a Dragon has been confirmed in OP chapter 921. Kaido looks quite dangerous in this form. What if Beast Kaido isn’t an Oni-Oni or human who ate the dragon Devil Fruit but is a real dragon from the past. However, Kaidou is often referred to as the strongest creature in the world (Chapter 69 page 4), insinuating that he might not be human. This might refer to a special devil fruit that he has eaten ( devil fruit eaters have previously been referred to as monsters), or just to the fact that he has horns.
I’m here with a theory about one of OP’s most hyped characters and “World’s Strongest Creature” Kaido and his DF powers. Now I know many people believe Kaido have a Dragon zoan because of his impenetrable body, looks and fu machu moustache. And I am going to say why. Certainly, it is glorious enough to top this list as the rarest devil fruit in the entire series.
Delivered fresh to your door! Order quality fruit from the farm. I believe that Kaido is one the last of his species and the samurai of Wano(including Ryuma’s generation) killed off almost everyone of his kind and ATE them. This is why Kaido wanted to take over Wano so bad and actually ate the Shogun himself. He somehow acquired the Mythical Zoan fruit Kirin-Kirin no Mi and became Hundred Beast Kaido.

We have already seen Daibutsu devil fruit of which the legendary marine Sengoku is the user. So, If a daibutsu fruit exists, this can exist as well. In my opinion, one of the three disasters of Kaido have a chance of owning this type of devil fruit ability.
That is it from today’s post on devil fruits that Kaido ’s disasters might be. His pirate crew entirely consists of Zoan type devil fruit users. It has been mentioned in One Piece manga that Kaido’s dream is to create a pirate crew entirely made of Zoan type devil fruit users. He went out of his way to fund for artificial Zoan type devil fruits. So it’s safe to assume that Kaido is a devil fruit user and the evil fruit he has is of Zoan type considering his preference.
We don’t know that yet,but we can make some guesses. Considering that he is obsessed with Zoan fruits and his epithaf is Kaido of the Beast,he is most definatelly a Zoan himself. I was thinking what if his devil fruit is the lion-lion fruit model nemean, the Nemean lion comes from greek mythology and has unpiercable hide and Kaido is refered to as immortal.
It also fits since Kaido is the King of the beasts and lions are often depicted as Kings.
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