Freitag, 10. Februar 2017

Kimball cho actor

Yila Timothy Kang is an American actor. Cho serves as the polar opposite to Patrick Jane , but is keen to learn his powers of observation. Er wuchs in San Francisco auf. He had a successful career in finance, but realized his passion for acting later. Although he is normally a very serious person who always follows cases by the book he also has a very dry sense of humor.

His character Kimball Cho is hilarious. I grew up on military bases, so I love Asian and Eurasian guys. Er hat einen trockenen Humor und ist Rigsbys Freund. Cho , der wohl Bodenständigste des Ermittlerteams, ist oft der Einzige, der Janes Salontricks durchschaut.

Das verdankt er wohl seiner außerordentlich guten Auffassungsgabe. In Lisbons Abwesenheit ist er oft ihr Vertreter. Als Jane Van Pelt erzählt, dass er mit Telekinese einen. Die liebsten Fashion-Marken kaufen. Das ist bei eBay angesagt und neu.

Von Generator bis Wäsche. Alles finden, was Sie brauchen. Tim Kang, Actor : Rambo. Detective Kimball Cho is the calm and collected member of the team, usually not showing any emotion whatsoever.

He’s almost always comically serious and he had some of the funniest zingers. Why this guy is Badass! He should get his own show. I find him better than rigsby too. The actor did a great job.

Schau Dir Angebote von ‪Kimball‬ auf eBay an. His notable film appearances include Rambo and A Wrinkle in Time. As of now, he appears as a regular actor of hit series Magnum P. He is happily married to an actress, Gina Marie May.

However, that is far from being his sole role, as shown by the fact that he is continuing to. Kang has been cast in many police type roles. Apart from being a stellar actor , Kang is quite the intellectual. He has a degree in Political Science and a Masters in Fine Arts from Harvard University. He returned to his theater.

He was of Korean descent. Kang graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of California at Berkeley. He later received a Master of Fine. Early life and education. Kang was born in San Francisco, California and is the eldest of three brothers.

Hot off the heels of its panel at San Diego Comic-Con, CBS’ forthcoming reboot of Magnum P. Este artigo precisa de máis fontes ou referencias que aparezan nunha publicación acreditada que poidan verificar o seu contido, como libros ou outras publicacións especializadas no tema. Es uno de los mejores en cuanto a interrogatorios gracias a su carácter impasible y pragmático.

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