Montag, 5. Juni 2017

Coc th10 max levels

The most expensive upgrades for Elixir at this town hall are Dragon level , P. A level Lightning Spell level and Freeze Spell level for 00000. From the recent updates, a lot of things changed for TH10. Alle Truppen, Helden, Gebäude etc sind maximal ausgebaut (siehe Fotos) Starke 600. Use builders to upgrade Heroes all the time = 227.

After finishing your Heroes, you still need to wait ~231. So: You will always max out your Heroes before all buildings at Town Hall 10. Visuell werden die Farben vom Rathaus auf weinrot und dunkel-grau verändert, auf dem Dach wird noch ein kleiner Turm erschienen, unter den Türmen wird der Lavafluss ausgeströmt, die Eingang auf den Dach bekommt eine runde Form und ist mit einem Gitter geschlossen.

COC THBase Links Anti Everything With Air Sweepers. As you are already enjoying with the great collection of town hall map. Here we go… Defenses: Inferno Towers- Bomb Towers- X-bows- Cannons- Archer Towers- Air Defenses- Hidden Teslas- Wizard Towers- Mortars- Air. The levels 1-Town Halls were added in the original release (date varies depending on platform and country). The level Town Hall was added as a part of the Fiery Fortress update (Version 4).

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Erlangen Sie Zugriff auf gehobene CCO Stellenangebote bei Experteer. Hey guys, it’s Ash and this will be my guide on best and fastest way of getting a maxed out THbase without Gems. This guide is not for just anyone, it’s for the most dedicated players of the game as maxing out your base is no walk in the park.

Launch an attack in the simulator or modify with the base builder. THis the farming heaven of the game as things are cheap and yet your farming becomes much easier than TH1-9. As long as you have lvl5-barch, you can do well in THfor farming.

I strongly recommend any new player to reach THwithin the first 2-months of starting the game and a veteran should be THwithin the first month. I can’t seem to find an updated list of max … I can’t seem to find an updated list of max troops for th10. I only need to know dark troops and spells, but if anybody has an updated list, please place it in the comments! Feedback welcome, of course. Die mauern sollten alle mindestens auf sein, besser auf 9. Wenn du wirklich Geduld hast kannst du ja auch noch mit level Mauern anfangen ;D.

Ich bin derzeit ebenfalls an dem Punkt, wo alle Verteidigungen auf Max. Elexier mit benutzen kann. THor stay and Max th10.

Please find the current THstats I maxed All war troops and QUeen to , King upgrading to level 39.

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