No complicated features, unnecessary permissions and no ads! Whether you are looking for a simple mobile appointment reminder or you’re organizing single or recurring events, birthdays, need to remind anniversaries, schedule. A beautiful calendar packed with features. Contains no ads or weird permissions. Das Kalender -Widget funktioniert analog zum Standardwidget mit einem aktualisierten Aussehen, angelehnt an den Stil vom „SiMi Clock“ Widget (aller Ruhm geht zu dessen Autor).
Das Widget unterstützt viele Konfigurationsoptionen: - verschiedene Skins - die Möglichkeit auszuwählen, welche Kalender angezeigt werden - Anpassung der Schriftart. It integrates with your existing calendar to show upcoming appointments directly on your homescreen. It can show the weather, sports schedules, holidays, and more. Latest update (.8): Major ad spamming issue fixe switched to a different ad provider. Try register a note simply a look at your calendar and see easily.
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Trie Teste Trusted and Affordable for All qPCR Needs. API16(nodpi)_apkmirror. You can easily create recurring events and setup reminders, it can also display week numbers.
This Is The Best Investment For The Winter. A simple calendar with events and a customizable widget. Get Now EcoHeat With Discount! EcoHeat S: This Revolutionary Invention Is The Most Effective Heater You Will Ever See! To download it you need to press red button on the application page.
Android ( simple - calendar -widget. apk ). Wer einmal auf einen digitalen Kalender umgestiegen ist, der will nicht mehr zum Papier zurück. Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay! With EASY SCHEDULE FOR ANDROID choose the day, record and listen. A monthly calendar without any other calendar integration. Download free games for android.
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Wie Sie diese in Chrome installieren, zeigen wir. Highly customizable personal organ. Yearly, monthly, weekly, daily calendar functions.
Premium Themes and Widgets Unlocked Beautiful widgets with over hand-crafted themes.
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