SD Maid is an Android app. It helps you manage files and apps. It works with any Android device and any storage that is accessible. Sie bietet eine Werkzeugsammlung, um Applikationen und Dateien zu verwalten. Niemand ist perfekt, auch Android nicht.
Apps, die Du bereits entfernt hast, hinterlassen Spuren. Logs, Fehlerberichte und andere Dateien, die Du nicht wirklich haben willst, werden ständig erstellt. Matomo Android SDK (lib) Open-source analytics for Android through Matomo.
Apoda Music (app) Because music should be fun. Myo SDK without limits. Root Validator (app) An opensource app that checks your root status.
It offers a collection of tools to manage apps and files. Nobody is perfect and neither is Android. Apps you have already removed leave something behind.
ACRA is an opensource crash tracker for Android apps. The crash data is stored on my server. The sourcecode of their client side plugin is available on Github. Ihnen hier in der Version 4. Download zur Verfügung. Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität.
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Find out how to download and then Install Sd Maid on PC (Windows) which is introduced by Darken. Logs, crash reports and other files you don’t really want are constantly being created. Also darken weiter so #128079;#128079;#128079;#128077;#128077;#128077; Also darken weiter.
Don’t hesitate to send me a mail if you have questions or concerns. Offre un insieme di strumenti per gestire app e file. Nessuno è perfetto e non lo è neanche Android.
Le applicazioni rimosse lasciano comunque dei residui. Registri, rapporti di crash e altri file non necessari vengono creati costantemente. Eliminar los archivos residuales del sistema.
Stattdessen hat die App einige sinnvolle. Das system schafft ständig logs, crash-Berichte und debug-Dateien, die Sie nicht wirklich benötigen. APKapps Uygulamasını Kullanın.
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