Donnerstag, 23. April 2015

Coc rh 11 base 2018

This base is built with the new. Hallo liebe Suchtgemeinschaft, Ein paar von euch hatten mich ja schonmal gefragt,hier kommen dann mal paar Bases die wir auf rhgenutzt haben. RHFarmdorf gesucht - RH Level - Deutsches. Rathaus Dorf OHNE Adler-Adler Artillerie - RH. Hey guys we are here with the new Town Hall Village Base layout.

COC Town Hall War Layout Anti Stars Copy Link. In this base layout Town Hall, Eagle Artillery and. Assessing the cancel town hall with a lot of Storage’s works ideal with this particular base and also this side X bows a very nasty installment which Queen Charge will probably have difficulties with. Launch an attack in the simulator or modify with the base builder. Also nochmal zu deiner lvl Base Casi!

Die hält ganz gut…Armeen laufen oft ums RH rum… hätte es nicht gedacht! Man muß das erst mal testen, aber im Schnitt hält sie ganz gut. Man kann sogar fast sagen, dass eine Anti-Sterne Base ist.

Armeen schlecht oder in dem Fall gut für mich laufen. THHybrid Base Links. Maintaining and building both bases at town hall can be hard. Is there any alternative? Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität.

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To prevent Air attacking strategy (LALLOON, Dragon) all the Air Defenses are placed inner part of the base and backup by inferno Towers, Air Sweepers, Wizard Towers, X-bows and Air Traps. Clash of Clans thwar base ~ Best Advocacy is a good offense. From time to time, our players create more complex bases. They fully seek to create a fortress of Town Hall for their War. COC Bases Town Hall TH- Base Design and Layout- Anti 3-star bases makes clever use of channeling and guiding troops to a defensive area, where direct counters are placed.

Basically these designs evolve from lower Town Halls and adjust to the current TH level and COC Meta. Dort wurde auch gesagt man kann im Grunde jede RHBase umbauen als RHohne Adler. Def einfach in die Ecken. There’s a base copy link at the end of the article #128578; Why I Think It Is The Best. Got some nice defenses in Champions League with this base and I don’t really recall any opponent that has wrecked this base apart except being a total maxed THbringing everything including Siege Machine – but even that was not a 3-Star I believe.

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