Mittwoch, 23. März 2016

Coc gowiwi

GoWiWi ist eine sehr zuverlässige Strategie, um bei Gegnern mit höherem Rathauslevel min. Sterne zu holen (habe auch persönlich sehr gute Erfahrungen gemacht). Die genaue Truppenkonstellation ist stark gegnerabhängig, dazu aber genauere Instruktionen bei den Angriffsschritten. GoWiWi Attack Strategy is not a new strategy in Clash of Clans but people just know about it these days. In this GoWiWi advanced guide, I will give all things for you to be successful with it.

Coc gowiwi

GoWiWi is one of the most powerful troop composition in Clash of Clans with the core troops are Golems, Wiches and Wizards. With this strategy, you can always get stars on every base. Für den Angriff werden beide Helden benötigt.

Zusätzlich sind Helden unter Level fast nutzlos. Ausführung: Als erstes müssen die Golems gesetzt werden, so dass diese zwei verschiedene Defensiv Gebäude ansteuern. Download for free on mobile devices! ThisArmy CHECK OUT: Clash-A-Rama!

ES Clash of Clans is always Better when You Win. COC Gowipe attack strategy for town hall ,and 10. In this post we are going to tell you about the gowiwi army composition, which side one should select for attacking, when is the right time for placing witches, Golems, wizards and Heroes. Im Clash of Clans findet man Informationen über Clash of Clans.

Im Forum wird über Updates berichtet, diskutiert und verschiedene Fragen beantwortet. Jeder ist eingeladen Informationen zu erhalten oder mitzumachen! Gowiwi Troop Composition TH- Clash Of Clan Attack Strategy.

This attack is great for pushing or for war attacks. Auf dieser Seite hast du die Möglichkeit, eine Angriffsstrategie zu verfassen oder zu finden. Um eine neue Strategie hinzuzufügen, kannst du den Namen in der Box eintragen.

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Gowiwi is an spectacular 2-star Clash Of Clans attack. This army composition uses witches, golems, wallbreakers and wizards. This strategy is similar to gowipe but instead uses witches rather than pekkas. In the GoWiWi attack strategy, you do this by deciding a line which you want to start your attack from. In this article you will see how to properly use Gowiwi.

After you decided your line of attack, you will drop golem in each end of the line and one golem in the middle of it, followed by a large line of wizards in behind and Wall breakers for each Golem. GoWiWi is a very expensive strategy to use, however it is extremely effective. It is comprised of (Go)lems, (Wi)zards, and (Wi)tches. This is the number one strategy used for pushing through Master into Champion.

The whole premise is to use your golems to shield your witches and wizards, so they can wreck massive damage! Full GoWiWi and GoWiPe as well typically run out of steam after you have focused them getting to the townhall. Characterization: The key of this attack strategy are the multitude of tanks represented by the golems and the Skeletons spawned by the witches.

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