As we all know, devil fruits are mystical fruits granting superhuman powers to whoever consumes them. In this way, he doesn’t own two Devil Fruits in his body, since he just owns Yami Yami fruit in his body and a ring which can set off Gura Gura fruit powers. We know that after the devil fruit user dies, his devil fruit power will be transfer to the nearby fruit. In Whitebeard situation, when he died he was cover with cloth and.

He usually does this by grabbing the person he is fighting,but their powers return once he stops touching them. So I just got my cousin to start watching one piece and he came up with an interesting theory, thought I’d get y’alls take on it. I think BB is storing the soul of Whitebeards fruit in his darkness dimension.
So the souls of the two devil fruits cant fight and destroy his body. Normally when df occupy body they fight and tear the body apart. I think BBs body is occupied by the gura gura and inside that is a pocket dimension thing that houses the quake fruit. So I was thinking about big moms backstory and how she became big mom and is it possible that big mom is the reason blackbeard figured out how to.
It is possible that yami yami no mi absorb other devil fruits and make use of them for a short while. He is also the only known person in history to wield the power of two Devil Fruits. Günstig: Black Bear Neuheiten zu Top-Preisen.
Riesige Auswahl bei Discount24. Sparfüchse aufgepasst: Entdecke Top Schnäppchen zum Vorteilspreis. Teach managed to eat two devil fruits. Der mutige VorschIag eines MiIIiardär wird sich für immer auf lhr Einkommen auswirken!
Niedrige Preise, Riesen-Auswahl. Blackbeard was seen to have two Devil Fruits at the same time. Myth: A person can control only one Devil Fruit of each type, but are not limited to the number.
Fact: It was not clearly explained by Blueno when he said one’s body would destroy itself when one consumes two Devil Fruits. We have established that devil fruits alter the DNA of a person. But what happens if a person has two different sequences in his genetic code?
It was shocking and very surprising to see how it has happened. But do you think its possible that he could eat a third? Its been theorised that his ability is related to his sisters, people think that he might have killed or eaten them to get that power. I was under the assumption that blackbeard can only have devil fruits. Now when i read theories and other comments, i see people commenting blackbeard is going to take their abilities.
Does this mean he takes them and gives them to his crew or he manifests them himself. I though it was a decent idea imo, though it probably sounds stupi who knows. Only Oda, the author, knows for sure. One Piece One Piece Manga. Whatever he may suck into his vortex stays there until he sends it back out, destroyed.

Now first let’s start off with the fact that people seem to think that. In Chapter 9Gekko Moriah, Catarina Devon, Avalo Pizarro, and Marshall D. It is also revealed that Shiliew of the Rain and Catarina Devon are devil fruit users. Its not possible under normal circumstances.
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